In this article, we will see in detail how to use Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core 2.0. create our first Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core application. Step 1- Create Angular5 Template Core click Start >> Programs >> Visual Studio 2017 >> Visual Studio 2017, on your desktop. Click New >> Project. Select Visual C# >> Select Angular5Core2. Enter your project name and click OK. Select ASP.NET Core 2.0 , select Web Application(Model-View-Controller) and click ok. Step 2 – Creating Data Folder for Class First, we will start with creating a class and for this, from our project, create a folder and name it as data, as shown below. Now, we have created a folder named Data in our project. The next step will be to create a class named “StudentDetails”. Right-click the Data folder and add a new class named “StudentDetails”. In Studentdetails class, we need to create properties as student name, Subjects, and grade...
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