Here I will explain how to Convert UPPER Case and LOWER Case to Proper Case/Title Case using SQL Server. First We have to create a function for proper case. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ProperCase] ( @Input as varchar(8000) ) RETURNS varchar(8000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Reset bit, @Proper varchar(8000), @Counter int, @FirstChar char(1) SELECT @Reset = 1, @Counter = 1, @Proper = '' WHILE (@Counter <= LEN(@Input)) BEGIN SELECT @FirstChar = SUBSTRING(@Input, @Counter, 1), @Proper = @Proper + CASE WHEN @Reset = 1 THEN UPPER(@FirstChar) ELSE LOWER(@FirstChar) END, @Reset = CASE WHEN @FirstChar LIKE '[a-zA-Z]' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, @Counter = @Counter + 1 END SELECT @Proper = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(@Proper)),' ',' '+ CHAR(7)) , CHAR(7)+' ',''), CHAR(7),'') WHER